Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easy Tips To Search Google Like A Boss!

If I'm not wrong u guys use Google many times a day. But, chances are, unless we are a technology geek, we probably still use Google in its easiest way. If u facing problem with searching in Google , here i am to show ya how things works !

1. Searching for a specific types of file? Just use the modifier "filetype:". For example, you want to search only PowerPoint presentations related to Business communication just do as followings-
            "Business communication" filetype:ppt

You can also find different types of formats just changing after the ":" sign.
Example:"Business communication" filetype:pdf
            "Business communication" filetype:doc

2. If you want to search for a specific words definition, just type this command "define".

Example: define:wormhole

3. Forget to bring your Calculator applet? type your expression in to Google.

Example: 16579*1654657

3. Lets say you are searching for content about Business but you want to exclude the result containing the term money ,for doing this simply use the "-" sign in front of that very word.

Example: Business-money

4. If u wanna search a specific website for content even if the website does not support a built-in search feature just do as following
content site:"somesite"

Example: photoshop

5. Searching for a synonyms or antonyms ? do as following -

Example: fire-synonyms


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